The God Jar


Some time ago, my friend Lucca gave me what she referred to as a ‘God jar’. Whenever I remembered to, I would jot down something that happened to me on any particular day and throw the note into the jar. It being the end of the year, I pulled out the notes and read them this morning. Wow I am blessed! Here are a few examples:
-Ate the last of my beautiful garden carrots
-Booked our cross-Canada holiday!
-Marigold got her new heart today
-Morning snowshoe with my friend Linda
-Amazing sunrise!!
-New Year’s Eve…on our back deck in a light jacket watching the northern lights
-Walking in sunshine
-Freshly made bread!
-Dinner out with the girls
-Charlotte’s birth…so much love

Anyway, you get the drift. Amidst all the horribleness and sadness this year, it’s great to remember the good stuff too.

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