Klondyke Heat

While I might be craving a bit more warm and sunny weather these days (maybe Central and Eastern Canada you could send some of your heat our way) it was sizzling hot in the gym of a local high school last night. That’s where a whole week-end of dance competition, inspirational talks and workshops is taking place. It’s all aimed at helping youth learn how to use breakdance to create positive change in their community and the world.

There are dancers here from all over Canada, with judges and speakers such as B-boy Wicket from the Renegades and Lazy Legz from Montreal. Here’s the video that was made to attract people to the event. It includes some footage from last year’s competition.

Sitting in that gym I was struck by just how alive these kids were and what a great vibe there was in the room. While the competition itself was going on there were little kids on the sidelines trying out their floor rocks, freezes and headspins. In another corner a group of female dancers, including a local dance teacher and one of the main organizers of this event, was putting together imprompu choreography. The competitors were very supportive of one another and clearly they were having a blast.

While all the b-boys and girls were great, I have to give special mention to a guy who looked like he could be my age. He had a grey beard and a big belly, but what a showman he was! It only goes to prove that with the right mindset and attitude, anyone can do anything.

One thought on “Klondyke Heat

  1. Hi. I just Googled “beautiful sunrise stars” and found a photo from your post dating December 5th 2009 (https://taibhsearachd.wordpress.com/2009/12/05/winter-sunrise/#comments).

    I just want to say that by that picture I imagine it’s absolutely amazing there. Personally, I prefer sunrise over sunset and this scene is just heart-warming.

    Thank you for photo, I hope you’ll capture more sunrises from your beautiful town.

    Neven, Croatia.


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